martes, 27 de marzo de 2012

Terms and Names:
Scientific Revolution – New way of thinking about the natural world based on careful observation and a willingness to question
Heliocentric theory – Theory that the sun is at the center of the universe
Geocentric theory – View which held that the earth was the center of the -
Galileo Galilei – Scientist who was forced by the Catholic Church to take back scientific ideas that disagreed with the church’s view
Scientific method – Logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas
Isaac Newton – Scientist who discovered laws of motion and gravity

2. Which event or circumstance do you consider to be the most significant? Why?
Isaac Newton - Scientist who discovered laws of motion and gravity, this has contributed a lot to the advances of science.

3. Before the 1500s, who and what were the final authorities with regard to most knowledge?
The Catholic Church, people didn’t question the church until the scientific revolution

4. How did the heliocentric theory of the universe differ from the geocentric theory?
Geocentric theory – View that held that the earth was the center of the universe
Galileo Galilei – Scientist who was forced by the Catholic Church to take back scientific ideas that disagreed with the church’s view

5. What are the main steps of the scientific method?
Ask a question, do a background research, construct a hypothesis, test experiment, conclusion, report result

6. “If I have seen farther than others,” said Newton, “it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” Could this be said of most scientific accomplishments? Explain.
He made a big effort on his findings and experiments

7. Why might institutions of authority tend to reject new ideas?
Because it could create a war between the church and the people

8. Do you agree with Galileo’s actions during his Inquisition? Explain.
No because he wasn’t loyal to his first thoughts he first said yes and then no

Important information about Hawaii and Barack Obama

Barack Obama

-       Barack Obama is the first African-American president of United States.
-       Obama was born the 4th of august, 1961 in Honolulu Hawaii.
-       Barack’s name means “one who is blessed” in the Swahili language.
-       He collects spider-man and Conan the barbarian comics.
-       He knows how to speak Spanish.

State of Hawaii

-       Hawaii has no snakes, seagulls, or rabies.
-       Hawaii was the 50th state admitted to the U.S. union on August 20, 1959.
-       Hawaii is the only U.S. state that grows coffee.
-       Hawaii has eight main islands: Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, and the "Big Island" of Hawaii.
-       More than one-third of the world's commercial supply of pineapples comes from Hawaii.

Cuento Simbolos Patrios

Era hace una vez, un niño llamado Pablo. Pablo tenia 13 años y estaba en séptimo en el colegio La Constitución. Pablo tenia que caminar de su casa a un punto de la ciudad para que el camión lo recogiera. El era un niño muy travieso, así que un día en la mañana el decidió envés de ir al colegio ir al museo de la historia Mexicana. Cuando llego al museo el se dio cuenta de que tenia el dinero de su almuerzo en su mochila. Pablo contrato un guía para que le diera un tour por el museo. 

Pablo le pregunto al guía. “Usted como se llama?” y el guía le contesto. “yo me llamo Pedro, cual es tu nombre?” así que pablo le contesto. “me llamo Pablo.” Pablo y Pedro siguieron hablando aproximadamente media hora. Pablo le pidió al guía que siguieran con el recorrido y así fue. Lo primero que le llamo la atención a Pablo fueron las banderas y sus colores, Pedro inmediatamente noto eso y le empezó a contar cada historia de las banderas, pero cuando llegaron a la ultima, Pablo lo interrumpió y le dijo espera esa historia yo te la cuento, me la enseñaron en el colegio.

Pablo empezó a decir. “ la bandera de México es tricolor, tiene del lado izquierdo el color verde, en el centro blanco con el símbolo de un águila sobre un nopal devorando una serpiente, y por ultimo del lado derecho el color verde.” El guía asombrado con su conocimiento. Pablo y el guía siguieron discutiendo sobre las banderas por un largo tiempo, hasta que al guía le llego una pregunta para preguntarle a Pablo. Su pregunta fue. “¿sabes que significa cada color de la bandera?” en eso Pablo se puso a pensar y pensar hasta que recordó y le contesto. “¡Si, si se, el presidente Benito Juárez dijo “el verde será para recordar la esperanza, el blanco será para la unidad y el rojo será para recordar la sangre derramada por los héroes mexicanos!”

El guía asombrado le contesta eso es cierto, ¿pero tu no deberías de estar en el colegio? Pablo le sonroja y le contesta que si, el guía le dice, te llevare al colegio. Pablo lo detiene y le pregunta una ultima cosa, porque una bandera tiene la cara de madero? El guía emocionado por que es su bandera favorita que un 9 de febrero de 1913 salió del Castillo de  Chapultepec con esta Bandera un Viejo Presidente llamado Don Francisco I. Madero en compañía de sus cadetes para defender nuestra legalidad. Así que por eso tiene el rostro de Madero en la bandera.

Pablo emocionado le pide al guía un aventón al colegio así que lo lleva al colegio. En el coche iban conversando acerca de la historia de México, cuando llegaron al colegio Pablo se bajo avergonzado y entro a su salón de clases, el maestro le pregunta que hace usted aquí, y el le contesta vengo a aprender acerca de la historia de nuestro país, yo les puedo compartir porque llegue tarde a su clase en publico. Pablo empieza a contar toda su historia y el maestro le pregunta, haber si es cierto ¿que significa cada color de nuestra bandera? Pablo le contesta si se, el presidente Benito Juárez dijo “el verde será para recordar la esperanza, el blanco será para la unidad y el rojo será para recordar la sangre derramada por los héroes mexicanos!”

El maestro asombrado lo deja entrar a la clase y le puso cien de trabajo en clase.

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

Committee: Specpol

Student: Eloy Zambrano

Country: Zambia

School: Colegio Ingles

Topic: Reducing The Treat Of Cyber Warfare

Cyber warfare has been a huge conflict that the committee of Specpol has debated. Cyber warfare is very dangerous because it can enter to any Political site or page that they wanted. If a cyber spy can enter any page they wanted they can get a hole country into disaster, but if all the important government pages set up a secret code for them to enter, that might prevent a hacked to their page. For example, in 1998 the USA hacked Serbia’s server air defense system to compromise air traffic control and facilitates the bombing of Serbian targets. That example was a worldwide discussion because the US is one of the most respectful countries in the entire world. The government’s of the entire world can’t believe that the US did that because as my delegation said the US is one of the most honorable and respectful countries that the world has had. Unfortunately that problem is not only use for war’s some citizens of many countries had hacked government pages and place them on the network. In 2009 a group of cyber spy network called “ghostenet” accessed confidential information that belonged to governmental and private organization information.  That event affected over a 100 countries around the world because the “ghostenet” hacked or entered that information of 100 countries. The “ghostenet” was informed that was originated of China, but China didn’t take any charge of their acts. That’s why the Cyber warfare is not only a country power problem also is of the countries because their citizens are the ones that are putting their country in danger and the countries don’t put a stop to the cyber warfare.

Zambia’s position in the warfare problem is to stop it. Zambia had never been affected by a cyber problem because Zambia’s last war was in 1989 for their independence and they are in peace with many countries.  Zambia has a very know page around Africa that is named in that page many African countries can make some very interesting things. One of that things is that they can trade online, for example if a country in south Africa wants to trade with a country in the north Africa, Zambia is in the middle and they can make an appointment there for them to met. If a country hacked or a cyber spy enter to that page they can lead a country into ruin with an African country because some places are more fertile that others and they can have more health problems.
Some solutions that my committee offers are to stop the cyber war with more firewalls and to change the political or government pages passwords more often to prevent them of hacking them and putting their country in danger. Another solution is to stop the documents online, to have them by hand. As my delegations said before we are not in favor of the cyber warfare.