martes, 27 de marzo de 2012

Terms and Names:
Scientific Revolution – New way of thinking about the natural world based on careful observation and a willingness to question
Heliocentric theory – Theory that the sun is at the center of the universe
Geocentric theory – View which held that the earth was the center of the -
Galileo Galilei – Scientist who was forced by the Catholic Church to take back scientific ideas that disagreed with the church’s view
Scientific method – Logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas
Isaac Newton – Scientist who discovered laws of motion and gravity

2. Which event or circumstance do you consider to be the most significant? Why?
Isaac Newton - Scientist who discovered laws of motion and gravity, this has contributed a lot to the advances of science.

3. Before the 1500s, who and what were the final authorities with regard to most knowledge?
The Catholic Church, people didn’t question the church until the scientific revolution

4. How did the heliocentric theory of the universe differ from the geocentric theory?
Geocentric theory – View that held that the earth was the center of the universe
Galileo Galilei – Scientist who was forced by the Catholic Church to take back scientific ideas that disagreed with the church’s view

5. What are the main steps of the scientific method?
Ask a question, do a background research, construct a hypothesis, test experiment, conclusion, report result

6. “If I have seen farther than others,” said Newton, “it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” Could this be said of most scientific accomplishments? Explain.
He made a big effort on his findings and experiments

7. Why might institutions of authority tend to reject new ideas?
Because it could create a war between the church and the people

8. Do you agree with Galileo’s actions during his Inquisition? Explain.
No because he wasn’t loyal to his first thoughts he first said yes and then no

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